We are a group of passionate volunteers, who dedicate our spare time to protecting our wildlife from harm throughout Northumberland
Who we are, and what we do
Our Mission is to make our countryside a safer place for wildlife. One day we will live in a world where we have a real hunting ban, and our wildlife can live in peace. Until that day we will be volunteering our time, to prevent illegal hunting, and other forms of wildlife harm throughout the Northumberland area. Fox Hunting has not gone away, despite The Hunting Act (2004) outlawing the hunting of a wild mammal with dogs.
Make no mistake, if hunts are out hunting, then they are hunting a live animal.
Trail Hunting does not exist, it is just another name for Fox Hunting
Northumberland Hunt Watch are a group of volunteer Wildlife Guardians, who strive to prevent illegal hunting, protect wildlife from harm, and support the local communities, who may suffer the effects of illegal hunting.
We are funded solely by kind donations from our supporters, as well as our fundraising activities. 100% of the donations we receive are used to support the running of our group, such as petrol and equipment costs, to ensure that we can continue with our work of keeping wildlife safe. We dedicate our spare time to fulfilling the aims of our group:
By lawful means, ensure compliance with legislation that protects wildlife in order to prevent wildlife crime
Observe, monitor, gathering intelligence and evidence of wildlife harm.
Enhance partnerships with other community groups, who share our aims, through the sharing of information, to support other wildlife organisations and agencies
Assist in the identification and apprehension of the perpetrators of wildlife crime through providing information to the police
Promote and campaign for the implementation of, or amendment of legislation which protects wild mammals from cruelty
Educating the public in matters relating to The protection of Wild Mammals from illegal hunting and other wildlife crime
We are a diverse group, all ages, occupations, and backgrounds. What brings us together is a love of wildlife, a passion for what we do, a need to stop the persecution animals face on a daily basis and a strong sense of achieving justice for those who aren't able to defend themselves.
Most of us are experienced Wildlife Guardians. We started the group in March 2020 because there was no other group in Northumberland, that monitored the hunts in the area. With eight active fox hunts alone, in Northumberland, foxes were arguably killed, week after week. There was nobody to provide them with the protection they deserve, and are entitled to under The Hunting Act (2004).
At the time we were active members of another group. However, we thought we needed to do something to help the Northumberland foxes, and other wildlife, too - so we set up this group up. We are an inclusive, friendly and supportive group, like one big family, so we are growing bigger and stronger each week.
We will initially gather intelligence and monitor a hunt to establish whether whether illegal hunting is taking place. We will then proceed to record and gather evidence of illegal hunting. We are a non confrontational and peaceful group, so if intelligence and observations indicate that illegal hunting is taking place then, we will use peaceful interventions, to save the fox's life. We always act professionally and lawfully, aiming to work alongside law enforcement and other agencies to bring the perpetrators of wildlife crime to justice.
We also offer support to members of the local communities who are subjected to hunt violence, and intimidation.
We live in hope that one day our wildlife will live in peace, and free from harm. Help us make that a reality.
Please contact us, in the strictest confidence, if you have any information at all, or require any assistance
Tip off line: 07375 896 463
Where we Cover
We cover the whole of The Northumberland Area.. From The Scottish Borders in The North, to the Country Durham Border in The South. The Fox hunts in this area and who we cover are:
Braes of Derwent
College Valley & North Northumberland Hunt
Hayden Hunt
Morpeth Hunt
North Tyne Hunt
Percy Hunt
The Border Hunt (newly added)
Tynedale Hunt
West Percy Hunt
We also cover:
Tynedale Mink Hunt
Newcastle and District Beagles
Please contact us with any information, no matter how small, in the strictest confidence
Useful links
Below are some useful links to a selection of organisations that can provide a range of advice. If you live outside of Northumberland and want to find your nearest saboteur group then the contact The hunt Sabs Association on the link below and they should be able to point you in the right direction.